Complete Webmaster Tools

Link Tools

Link-Based Tools

Link Tools

Backlink Checker
Find out how many total backlinks there are for any one website. The Backlink Checker tool searches Yahoo to discover the most current and accurate indicator of how many actual incoming links there are to a domain.

Link Analyzer
Analyze incoming and outgoing links.

Link Extractor
Extract all links from the specified domain.

Link Popularity Checker
Check the number of links pointing to the website of your choice.

Link Suggestion Generator
Generate links that relate to the keyword/topic of your choosing.

Multiple Backlink Checker
View the number of backlinks found in search engines for multiple websites.

No-Follow Finder
Scan a website to find nofollow links to various other sites. The Nofollow Finder examines all outgoing links for the specified website and flags links that have the nofollow attribute.

Reciprocal Link Checker
Check multiple sites to see if they are really linking back to you.



Complete Webmaster Tools
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